Dear Friends,
I want to thank everyone who worked hard on our "Vote Yes" campaign for Topeka families. It is disappointing that we lost by a very narrow margin but I am very proud of our 47%+ vote considering we had to battle the erroneous linkage of a “Yes” vote to “hate,” and the confusion of the average voter on what a “Yes” or “No” vote actually meant.
We were also battling national pro-homosexual groups and assistance from Washington, D.C., New York, Kentucky and Tacoma, Washington. One task force based in New York and Washington, D.C. alone spent over $20,000 to fight the Topeka ordinance. The executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force was also in town. Plus, homosexuals in a multitude of states called registered voters in Topeka and encouraged them to “vote ‘no’ against hate.”
Here is my personal point of view and opinion on how we should unite in our cause to protect our community and our families in the next month.
1. Elect a Pro-Family Topeka City Council and Mayor April 5th
The Mayor's office is up for election as well as four council seats. With the right support, we can regain a majority on the city council and then we would not have to worry about future pro-homosexual ordinances being voted on during the coming two years.
We are fortunate that the two finalists for Mayor, Lisa Stubbs and Bill Bunten, are on our side and both are candidates worthy of support.
In City Council District 9, Richard Harmon supports our views and was the top vote getter in his primary. He could unseat Tiffany Muller, Topeka's radical homosexual leader. This would be a huge victory to defeat Tiffany.
In District 1, Lana Kennedy opposes advancing homosexual rights in Topeka and could unseat homosexual rights supporter Duane Pomeroy.
In District 3, Sylvia Ortiz opposes advancing homosexual rights in Topeka as does her general election opponent Randy Bailes. Ms. Ortiz was the top vote getter in her primary.
In District 7, Brett Blackburn is a strong supporter of our views and was the top vote getter in his primary.
These candidates need our help to win at the general election on April 5th. Get out your checkbooks and get out the vote for these candidates.
Also, praise God that Bill Haynes, who is a strong supporter of our views, is running unopposed in District 5 and has already won!
2. Pass the Marriage Amendment on April 5th
I am confidant that this measure will pass with over 2/3 of the vote statewide. The expected high voter turnout will help pro-family candidates at the polls.
Again, the Marriage Amendment will have no trouble passing on April 5th…with or without our efforts. So while we should continue our support for it in Topeka, we should divert the bulk of our resources and time to electing a pro-family majority on the council.
Dan Walker
Family Action Network