Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dr. Roy Says Election a Defeat for Religionist Right

Dr. Bill Roy has spoken up again. He says, in his latest editorial, that the last election was the electorate voting against Christian candidates...choosing to shore up the wall between church and state by casting out those who govern by their Christian principles.

On a side note, my mother was a nurse and I grew up hearing about Dr. Bill Roy. My mother didn't think much of him. Never had a kind word for him. In fact, she said he was the rudest, most arrogant doctor in Topeka and treated nurses with contempt. But that's beside the point.

The point Dr. Roy forgets is that Republicans of all stripes lost in this past election. If they had an R after their name, they were in for trouble. I was disappointed that more evangelicals didn't turn up at the polls, but they'll be back.

Christian candidates believe that Biblical principles make good government. It was good enough when the founders used those principles to develop our form of government, so why shouldn't they stick to those principles when they run for office and govern after they are elected?

What's so offensive with using Biblical principles to govern? Why is it more agreeable for those whose morals are based on the religions of liberalism, secularism, atheism, etc.?

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Feet delivers an anti-Christian message to our kids

My wife and I took our two children and niece to see Happy Feet last night, lured by the promise of an endearing tale of penguins (my daughter's favorite animal) and amazing animation. Boy, was I disappointed. Not with the cute penguins and amazing animation, which were indeed very well done, but with being assaulted the entire time. This was nothing but a two-hour crusade against Christianity. It was an overtly political movie about environmentalism and humanism over Christianity.

The main character, Mumble, is different from others because he dances instead of sings. He is ostracized from the "elders" and blamed for the food shortage because their god wouldn't approve of his alternative lifestyle. These elders look more like vultures than penguins and are clearly representing the pious leaders of the Christian church. They actually make him choose to "turn or burn." He must "repent" of his ways and conform to their traditional views. The point is clear. Christians aren't accepting of people different from ourselves, won't allow them to be a part of our church, and are harsh and judgmental. I'm surprised Mumble didn't come "out" by the end of the movie as a homosexual penguin.

On his journey to discover the true reason why the fish supply is dwindling, he meets a televangelist-like penguin who accepts payment for words of wisdom and then hooks up with multiple penguins. The film actually depicts this character leaving his pulpit to go to the couch with four females, and he asks "Which one of you will be first?"

In fact, this movie has a LOT to say about sex...and a lot to sing about it too. It was very uncomfortable to watch adult and children penguins singing "You don't need to be beautiful to turn me on, I just need your body, baby, from dusk til dawn" and jamming to the very inappropriate "Let's Talk About Sex, Baby."

And then, to top off the attack on Christianity, the first building you see when Mumble and his friends come across the human fishing outpost is a dilapidated (obsolete?) Christian church with a cross on top, followed by scenes of garbage floating in the ocean. A a fishing outpost in the antarctic. This building wasn't necessary in the film, except for the movie makers' not-so-subtle agenda.

Christians, don't be suckered in by penguins, Robin Williams' brilliant voice-overs, and incredible animation. This movie is an attack on YOU.

My biggest disappointment other than having wasted an evening that could have been spent in a much more enjoyable way, was having rewarded Hollywood for this attack on me. There’s nothing like paying someone to insult you! Do NOT make he same mistake. Stay away from this film and tell others to do the same.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sen. Brownback addresses young Democrats

Sen. Sam Brownback addressed an assembly sponsored by the Young Democrats at Washburn Rural High School.

The main point I hope he got across to the kids is that war is hell, but freedom comes with a steep price. Our country today has no pain threshold. The sacrifices of Iraq pail in comparison to the sacrifices made in previous wars, but our enemies know that we don't have the stomach for protracted and painful wars. They can make a mess of things and send home some body bags, and we'll have half the country crying for us to pull out.

I don't like this war either. I wished we could have won in a week and left. But when it's all said and done, and we've got peace in Iraq, we'll have a valuable ally in the middle east--and a launching point for our war against Muslim terrorists.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lanier Swann on Jim Cates show

WHAT: Jim Cates interviews Concerned Women for America's Director of Government Relations, Lanier Swann
WHEN: Thursday, November 9
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: 1440 AM radio

Lanier will be coming to Topeka . . .

WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 14
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: First Southern Baptist Church, 19th and Gage

Lanier will be speaking on "Persuading the Powerful: Making Your Voice Heard."

Lanier Swann is experienced in many aspects of “speaking out.” As a journalist, as Director of Communications for Rep. Walter Jones, R-NC, as speechwriter for Sen. Elizabeth Dole, R-NC, and now with CWA, she values and encourages grassroots participation in public policy debates.

All are welcomed. Free admission.

For more information call . . .

Sylvia Chapman

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Well, time for a refreshing change of subject...

The Bush administration is asking the Supreme Court to uphold a ban on the horrendous practice of partial birth abortion. Courts have struck down the law that Congress passed and Bush signed in 2003. Hopefully, now with a beefed up slightly more conservative court, we can get a Supreme court ruling that finally puts an end to this type of infanticide.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ugly, UGLY election

Well, we can put to rest once and for all that Kansas is a "conservative" state. The good candidates are all losing here.

What's the matter with you people???

It's always sad when people, confronted with the truth, are more comfortable with the lie. Nancy Boyda (dist. 2) and Paul Morrison (AG), both heavily funded by the abortion industry and both based on rampant deception in their advertising, are WINNING??? Who believes the garbage they've been dishing out? It's been proven that they're lying to you and yet they're winning. I don't get it.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Johnson County Judges Guide

There will probably be some questions tomorrow on the ballot regarding retention of Kansas judges. The following link is from a conservative group out of Overland Park that might be helpful:

Phill Kline on O'Reilly

Just in case you haven't seen this yet, following is a link to two segments of The O'Reilly Factor from Friday night. His topic was Dr. Tiller, and the medical records that the Attorney General's office has obtained. In the first segment, O'Reilly talks to Amy Richards, a pro-abortion apologist. He can't believe what he is hearing her say in her defense of Tiller. Phill Kline is interviewed in the second segment. View them both.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Prayer service scheduled

Please join us for a prayer and praise service for the elections . . .

WHERE: First Southern Baptist Church
ADDRESS: 19th and Gage, Topeka
WHEN: Monday, November 6
TIME: 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Please let your friends and family know about it!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Message from Soldiers in Irak

Love it!


Letter supporting Congressman Jim Ryun

From Ron Smeltzer:

My wife wrote a letter to the editor that appears in today’s Capital Journal. In typical Capital Journal fashion they cut off the last paragraph of that letter which contained, in my view, the final important point. It makes you wonder if they are simply journalistically inept, or if they are promoting their own agenda. Given that they have been publishing about two letters a week supporting Congressman Ryun while publishing about two per day supporting his opponent I think we all know the answer.

The full letter is reprinted below. If you agree with me in supporting Congressman Ryun, and want to help keep him in Congress, please send this letter to anyone you know who may be confused or misinformed by his opponent’s deceptive ad campaign.

Letters Editor
Topeka Capital-Journal
616 S.E. Jefferson
KS. 66607

The cornerstone of Ms. Boyda’s campaign appears to be her personal perception of a wide-spread desire on the part of Kansas citizens for “change”. Any change. Change at any cost.

I personally do not think such a desire exists. However, voters would be wise to be careful what they ask for. They might get it, and the result is often far less satisfying than had been anticipated. Change, simply for the sake of change frequently produces unexpectedly negative consequences.

Like so many liberals, she seems to be long on rhetoric, yet very short on specifics regarding how those idealistic and naive notions would actually benefit Kansas families, our economy and our National security. She is equally short on the practical specifics about how those campaign promises would be implemented. She simply implies that if you don’t like things now, she’ll be happy to change them…somehow.

Much more is required to be a great legislator than is required to be a great
campaigner. Once you assume the responsibility of leadership it is no longer enough to simply push left-wing hot buttons, trumpet liberal sound bytes and bash the Administration. You actually have to do something. Effective representation requires a thorough knowledge of the complex social, economic and security issues that America faces today. Congressman Ryun has clearly demonstrated that he has that knowledge, and he has the experience to put it to effective use. It also requires the courage and leadership to make the hard decisions, as well as a genuine concern for how those decisions will affect constituents. Congressman Ryun’s record proves he has those qualities, and he has consistently voted to ensure those ideals. I’ve seen no evidence of such ability from his opponent. I think that’s a difference worth considering before you vote to change to someone who’s really never done anything except make campaign promises.

Pamela S

You can scroll down this page to see the edited version of Pamela's letter that the Capital Journal chose to print.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kansas Board of Education, District 3

From BOE candidates’ philosophies diverge Board of Education


Incumbent John Bacon of Olathe, a Republican, has been part of a conservative voting bloc on the board since he took office in 1999. In the past 13 months, he’s voted with a six-member conservative majority to approve science standards that cast doubts on the theory of evolution, hire Bob Corkins as education commissioner and tweak health standards to mandate an opt-in policy for sex education.

Challenger Don Weiss, a Democrat from Olathe, has said he would have voted “no” on all three matters.

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Abortion money funding campaign against Kline

From Abortion politics animates AG race


ProKanDo, the political action committee of Women's Health Care Services, the Wichita abortion clinic run by George Tiller, reported campaign spending of $304,108 from July 21 to Oct. 26. Its report showed spending of $81,247 on automated phone calls and another $95,700 in "member dues" to Kansans for Consumer Privacy Protection.

That is the group identified in a "Snoop Dog Kline" direct mail campaign accusing Kline of spending the last three years "snooping through women's private medical records on a personal crusade against abortion."

Like the direct mail flier, the ProKanDo phone message left with voters also takes Kline to task for his subpoenas of abortion medical records.

In the 2002 campaign, ProKanDo spent thousands of dollars in an unsuccessful attempt to beat Kline.

In addition to ProKanDo, Kansans for Life Saving Cures also has waded into the political fray with fliers that advocate Kline's defeat and urge support for Morrison and Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. This group reported raising $350,678 for the reporting period and spending $191,753.

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GOP Motivation

I see that polls show the Democratic voters are highly motivated. There are good reasons for the GOP base to get stirred up as well:

The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the state Legislature must create same-sex marriage or civil unions within 180 days. Once again, gay activists and liberal courts have dealt a major blow to supporters of traditional marriage. Congressional action to protect marriage will surely be needed in this coming term, and you won't find it in the Democratic party! You must keep a Republican controlled congress if you want to protect traditional marriage.

Homosexual couples from Kansas will be able to "marry" in New Jersey and return to challenge our state laws in federal court. Only congress can protect us from the activist robed crusaders.

Right-thinking Christians should also be moved to the polls because of John Kerry's off-handed remarks about the stupid people in the military stuck in Iraq. His remarks are a slap in the face to our nation's military heroes, made only worse by his attempt to say they were directed at the president and not the men and women in uniform and his refusal to apologize. Unfortunately, his views are representative of much of the left in this country, and we can't trust them to be in charge of our military efforts during this time of war.

Liberals and the media (they do go hand-in-hand, don't they?) have been trying to discourage Christians from voting this year (overblowing the Foley scandal, for one). They know what a difference Christian voters made in 2004. Don't give them this victory. Get to the polls and take your friends and family with you.

And spend time in prayer for our nation and for righteous candidates to come out victorious.

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