Kansas Gubernatorial Campaigns on Matters of Faith
From Operation Prairie Wind:
I would like to pass on to you two interesting visits I had with campaigns running for Kansas Governor.
First the Republican candidate. Sen. Jim Barnett’s campaign manager called and asked if Sen. Barnett could come by and visit about our issues concerning the dangers of pornography and its effects on our culture.
We spent a most enjoyable hour together discussing his faith, family, the power of a biblical message and the role of government in providing protection against evil (Romans 13:3,4). We discussed in great detail further measures to strengthen our resolve against the negative effects of the sex industry in Kansas. Long story short, Sen. Barnett made five powerful campaign promises that were sweeping in their scope to support legislation to further protect our children and families. Candidate Barnett had a keen understanding that more government will not ultimately solve our problem but it is a spiritual and character issue. I was honored that he took the time to personally visit, fully explore and discuss our concerns.
Now to the Democratic candidate. At roughly the same time I received a series of phone calls from the Democratic Party’s “Faith Based Coordinator”, Mr. James Salt. Mr. Salt and I discussed the same issues and the importance of the church, its message and its place in shaping and changing a culture. Mr. Salt could not understand my position of the importance of the church in this process. Mr. Salt interpreted everything I said in terms of a new social program in Kansas, of which he thought was a good idea. He even went as far as to say “the church was no longer relevant” in today’s culture and this problem. I asked Mr. Salt if he had any children or if he was married, he does not and he is not. I was taken back by such a shallow world view of the “faith based coordinator” for the Kansas Democratic Party.
If you have followed any of the news in Kansas for the past three years you know that the polls show that two out of three Kansas citizens believe that the dangers of over sexualized messages are real. The fruit of these debasing and addictive pornographic images are being reported daily in the media… another child abduction, another torture, another rape, and another life shattered. These graphic sexual images are the fuel that feeds fantasy driven behavior and in increasing frequency, even criminal behavior.
Last year we successfully passed some bills into law in Kansas. During one committee hearing, Dr. Kimball, the director of the state sex offenders program for the Kansas Department of Corrections testified that he estimated that about one third of the nine thousand Kansas prison inmates were incarcerated for sex offenses. The Kansas prison system is funded at a figure of nearly $50,000 per year, per inmate. This does not account for all the expenses incurred during the investigation and prosecution of a sex crime. Not to mention the trauma or death of another victim. You do the math, this is not only an issue that is eroding the character of our communities but it is a real pocket book issue.
The truth is we cannot pass enough laws or build enough prisons to fix this problem. The ultimate solution is you and I humbling ourselves, turning from our indifference, waking up and speaking out. Silence is consent.
Is Mr. Salt, as the voice of the Democratic Party’s faith based initiative correct that “the church is no longer relevant” and that another social program is what we need?
When you vote this November I would like for you to consider these two world views. Is it a character issue or a new social program?
As one citizen I can tell you that I am confidant that candidate Jim Barnett “gets it” and he has my vote.
Please pass this on, for such a time as this! Stay Strong,
Phillip Cosby
15621 West 87th St. Suite 182, Lenexa, KS. 66219
913-544-1176 (w) 913-787-0075 (c)