KMA going to House
A message from Concerned Women of America of Kansas:
Next week SCR 1601, the Kansas marriage amendment, is on schedule to be discussed in the House Federal and State Affairs Committee. Those supporting the amendment will be given time to speak on Tuesday, January 25th and opponents will speak on January 26th. It is important to get this legislation passed through the committee with NO amendments, so that it will not have to go back to the Senate for approval. If passed by the committee, it will be placed on the House agenda for consideration. If passed by a 2/3 majority, it will be placed on the April 2005 ballot for the people to decide.
It is imperative that you call your OWN representative, and the following House Federal and State Affairs Committee members if you have not already done so. Some legislators, it is reported, do not even look at their e-mails, so we're asking you to make a call this time.
Capitol Switchboard: 785-295-0111
Ask for your legislator and you will be connected to their office. Identify yourself as one of their constituents and politely ask them to support the marriage amendment in its present form with NO AMENDMENTS.
Ask them to give the people of Kansas a chance to vote on this important issue. Some legislators will give you reasons that may seem reasonable; continue to ask them to let the people decide. Re-state your case politely by emphasizing that marriage is the most important institution and that protecting marriage is good for the state and for families. Ask them to strengthen marriage, not weaken it.
CWA of Kansas
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