Monday, January 24, 2005


Hello friends of CWA,

We are planning a "CWA Day" at the Kansas Legislature on Tuesday, February 1, 2005. This is the day that many pastors are also planning to be at the Capitol.

Our goal for the day is to help constituents "build a bridge" to their legislators. Many people care about their legislators, pray for them, and contact them regularly. Others feel somewhat intimidated by the whole state government "thing." We want to give you a fairly low-key,
low-pressure opportunity to visit with your legislator and to let them know what values you, as a CWA member, want to see encouraged in our state government.

Come and bring a friend, or bring a carload!

We will be there from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. We will have a table in the rotunda with CWA information, legislator information, room numbers, etc.

If the marriage amendment has not passed, we would like you to encourage your legislator to vote FOR the amendment. If it has already passed, we will have some other issue that you may talk to your legislator about. We will have copies of talking points that you can leave with your

We hope that a lot of CWA members can be there. We want you to meet your legislators, and we want to meet you, too. We appreciate all of the prayer support, financial support, and grassroots support you provide, and this will give us an opportunity to thank you.

If you can come, we ask you to do 2 things.
1 - Reply to this message, and let us know how many are coming.
2 - Call and try to make an appointment with your legislator. The Captitol Switchboard number is 785-296-0111. If you can't, that's OK. You can still drop by the office and leave some information.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask by replying to this e-mail, or call 913-642-1274.

CWA of Kansas


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