Friday, February 01, 2008

Tiller finally takes a hit

From Last week, the judge presiding over the Wichita grand jury investigating abortionist George Tiller ruled Friday that Tiller must hand over records that the grand jury subpoenaed in its investigation into the legality of some of Tiller's late-term abortions. The ruling is a severe set-back for Tiller who has so far refused to surrender the documents required by the state to monitor compliance with Kansas law.

It's good news, finally, that Tiller must show his cards so that perhaps the light can be turned on his illegal actions. It's bad enough to be an abortionist who makes a living killing babies LEGALLY. To push the envelope to even kill the babes that Kansas' loosy-goosy laws don't allow is atrocious.

Let's continue to pray that through the legal channels, he will be exposed for what he is and his practice will be shut down.

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