Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Off-topic: The Wage Gap

This doesn't have anything to do with Christianity and politics, but sometimes the truth of an article is so good I have to post it.

The wage gap, give me a break
If a woman does equal work for 25 percent less money, businesses would get rich just by hiring women. Why would any employer ever hire a man?

Men do care about money -- and that, not wage discrimination, is why men tend to make more of it. "Women themselves say they're far more likely to care about flexibility," says author Warren Farrell. "Men say, I'm far more likely to care about money."Men do care about money -- and that, not wage discrimination, is why men tend to make more of it.

In conclusion...
If men want the family time many women have, we must accept lower financial rewards -- and if women want the money, they have to work like money-grubbing men.


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