Monday, February 21, 2005

Seven Deadly Sins - modified for today's non-offensive culture

From National Review:

The Seven Deadly Sins are Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Avarice, and Gluttony, traditionally remembered with the aid of the acronym PEWSLAG. Well, goodbye PEWSLAG, hello CABDHGS. A polling organization in Britain asked a thousand citizens to modernize the list. The new deadlies are, in descending order of sinfulness: Cruelty, Adultery, Bigotry, Dishonesty, Hypocricy, Greed and Selfishness. Note the interesting shift of emphasis visible here. Formerly the essence of sin lay in offending God by failing to curb one's lower nature. Nowadays sin means causing pain or mental distress to other people. To put another way, virtue used to consist in moral cultivation of the self; now it consists of being nice. Something has been lost here, surely.
God is interested in righteousness in man's relationship to Him and man's relationship with each other. The first half of the Ten Commandments deal with relationships with God, while the second half deal with human relationships. There's plenty of sin to go around. Pick your flavor. But God won't have any of it, so I won't be figuring out where my sin falls among the above lists, but will try to avoid them all thank you very much. God help me.


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