Christians aligned with gov't or God?
A great Cal Thomas commentary that, in short, says, "Throughout history, the church has demonstrated the least power when it aligns itself with temporal government. It has exercised the most power (that is the power to change lives) when it aligns itself with its Leader and a kingdom 'not of this world.'"
Read it here.
Here is a nice segment that should slap many of us Christians in the face and wake us up a bit:
How morally compelling is an institution collectively known as the church when it preaches "traditional" marriage but practices something else in too many cases?
The pollster George Barna has surveyed the behavior and beliefs of Christians for many years and found them often inconsistent with the very Bible they claim to believe is infallible.
In a survey published Sept. 8, 2004, Barna discovered that born-again Christians are divorcing at the same rate as those who are not born again. Among married born-again Christians, writes Barna, 35 percent have experienced a divorce, the identical percentage for those who are not born again.
Worse, though Jesus regarded divorce as a sin (unless adultery was involved), a majority of the born-again group (52 percent) disagree that divorce without adultery is a sin. Among Catholic respondents, 69 percent disagree that divorce without adultery is a sin.
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