Update from National Coalition for the Protection of Families
1. Surprise! Who would have thought it?... are we dreaming?...LAWRENCE KANSAS?. No not the Orange Bowl. GREAT NEWS! Lawrence Kansas city leaders stand firm and win a city Sexually Oriented Business (SOB) zoning case and the judge says the pornography shop must move. Strange days but good stuff.
Lawrence Story: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2007/dec/28/naughty_nice_owner_plans_stay_business/
2. That leaves Topeka / Shawnee County as the only major community in Kansas that refuses to have any SOB zoning to protect the health and safety of their citizens. With the large number of strip clubs and porn shops Topeka has, what are they thinking? I am excited to announce a great event in Topeka next weekend. Kansas Family Issues Forum Friday and Saturday, January 11 and 12 Topeka's Ramada Inn (brochure attached) I plan on attending and I have been asked to speak a bit.
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